Saturday, October 6, 2007

The Still Lovable Losers

It was sad today to watch the Cubbies lose to the Diamondbacks tonight. Since my Redlegs weren't in the playoffs, I was rooting for them because of my good friend, Mr. Matt H. is a Cubbie fan. Since, they've lost, I'm going to start rooting for the Rockies (I like Purple) and the Indians (Go-Hio). I love baseball. I can't wait to go to a game next year, Mommy & Daddy said I could bring my ball glove. Talk to you soon.

Only 9 more days until I'm the big O-N-E!!!

~ Aubrey J.


Old Soul said...

My goodness you can walk! Holy moly. Thanks for cheering on my lovable losers, the cubbies. I too am now rooting for the Rockies and the Indians or Bo-Sox. Early happy b-day wishes.

-Matty H.

Old Soul said...

My goodness you can walk! Holy moly. Thanks for cheering on my lovable losers, the cubbies. I too am now rooting for the Rockies and the Indians or Bo-Sox. Early happy b-day wishes.

-Matty H.