Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Mine was awesome. It was really fun to unwrap lots of presents. I'm getting better at it with each try. The coolest thing that happened this Christmas was I got to meet Santa Clause in person. That's right, he visited me right before he was about to start his journey around the world to deliver toys and games to all of the little boys and girls. I bet he was tired. He was very nice. Daddy has uploaded some pictures for you to look at. It was fun. Enjoy!

~ Aubrey Jean

P.S. Daddy also uploaded lots of pictures over the last couple of weeks for you to enjoy in the gallery. It includes my trip to Reds Fest, I got to meet the Cincinnati Reds (George Foster and Aaron Harang are cool!), and the trip to the Cincinnati Zoo's Festival of Lights.

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