Thursday, May 8, 2008

Boy do I have LOTS to tell you! I have been oh so busy now that the weather is nice. Mommy and I have been doing lots of landscaping and gardening. We are only about half done- if that- so we will take lots of new pictures when things are pretty and done.

I am growing so so fast. At my doctor's appointment last month I weighed 25 pounds 10 ounces, and I was 33 and a half inches tall. That means I am in the 70 and 90th percentiles (whatever that means). Mommy tells me I am growing too fast, but I think it is great.

I am getting so tall that I am too small for my crib. Mommy told me that at 35" I couldn't sleep in it anymore, so I get a big girls bed. I am so ready for it that I am going to be getting it early! Mommy, daddy and I went shopping and I got to pick out my own sheets and blankets. It was a lot of fun. Tonight we are having a big girl party, where we will all set up the bed and I get to sleep in it for the first time!! I think mommy and daddy are a bit nervous, but I know I can do it.

I am big enough to go potty, too. I have been playing around and trying for a few weeks now, but I have gone 3 times in 2 weeks!! I get really excited when I go on the potty, and then mommy lets me wear my new Princess Panties. It is really cool.

Oh, and I am also big enough for a bike- a real bike! Its a Fischer Price 10-inch bike complete with training wheels. I am just a little bit short for the full pedal motion, but it won't be long at all. Until then mommy and I are working on steering and balancing. I love to ride, and my favorite part is my awesome purple helmet. When I came in the other day, I kept it on my head just for fun.

I have really been learning too. I know all the signs and words in my sign language video. I can tell you a lot of animal sounds too. It is still difficult to get my words to come out right, but I am trying really hard. I am working on other stuff too, like puzzles and colors. (By the way- I have "blue" down pat.)

Well, its nap time and mommy has lots to do. I better go sleep so she can do some stuff. I will be taking pictures at my big girl bed party tonight, so check back later.


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