Saturday, June 9, 2007

Swimming Day

Hi everyone!

Aubrey has been learning so many new things that I can hardly keep up! This week she learned 2 new things: how to crawl and how to avoid the video camera. I tried to catch her new ventures on film all week, but every time I turned the camera on she stopped! I finally caught it on tape today, so we hope to have the video up tomorrow. There is another video coming soon, too, but I don't know how to do all that tech stuff.:)

Today Aubrey played in her own pool for the first time. I posted some pictures of this adventure in the gallery. She likes the water, but her favorite thing to do is gum the sides. Silly girl!

For all of our Charlotte friends: WE ARE COMING TO THE CAROLINAS! Yes, it's official. We are going to take some time to visit Charlotte before heading to Raleigh for Liz and Michael's wedding. We will be in Charlotte July 1 and 2. If you are around, let us know so we can plan a visit.

Thats all for now. Here is our cutie hangin' in the pool. Hope to talk to you all soon!

1 comment:

Fulton said...

love the mohawk! cant wait to see you all again!