Friday, June 1, 2007

So Proud!

Hi Everybody!

I had a fun night last night, and I wanted to share with you! Last night mommy and I went to watch daddy play softball. With his new job, he gets to be a part of a lot of cool stuff, including a softball team. Daddy had never played before, so mommy and I had to go cheer him on. I am SO proud of my daddy! He did so good! He played right field where he caught the ball 3 times!!! He didn't miss it at all. And he hit the ball 3 times too, but the other team was so quick that daddy didn't get to score any runs. Daddy and grandpa's team lost, but I am still so proud of him.

He is going to play again next week, so maybe mommy and I will take some pictures to show you.

Well, I have a busy weekend coming up... I am going to see grandma and grandpa at great aunt Dottie and great uncle Hank's house on Sunday, and my aunt Brandy is coming to see me on Saturday.

Talk to you all soon!

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